
November 2014: Craig Martin on Visual Storytelling

Visual Sanctuary Meeting
Saturday, November 1, 2014
3:30-5:30 pm 
Vineyard Community Center, 
Room 208 

6000 Cooper Rd. Westerville, OH 43081

On November 1, Visual Sanctuary presents our very own Craig Martin. He has been working for a number of years on a movie script and has recently decided to marry his acrylic painting style with his film titled Westward Sonrise in a form similar to a graphic novel. 

Join us as Craig demonstrates how he paints and imagines his story from script to page in explosions of color and humor. Followed by a potluck/sharing time.
Join Visual Sanctuary for a monthly meeting as we build a place of rest for ourselves, our church, and the world. This is a potluck. Please bring a dish to share. We will share our art and our calling, discuss Biblical truths, pray, and have open studio time.  Each month we will pursue and implement a new aspect of rest with a worksheet.  We will have periodic visiting artists from a variety of disciplines for discussion of these topics.  All are welcome.

Contact Alex Ferree by email at visualsanctuarynews@gmail.com if you have questions or would like to join the mailing list.

We meet 3:30-5:30 pm the First Saturday of every month in Room 208 in the Vineyard Columbus Community Center .