
July 2014: Proclaim It

July 5, 2014
Visual Sanctuary Meeting
3:30-5:30 pm 
Room 208 Vineyard Community Center

The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 
Psalm 19:1

King David of ancient Israel was a well-known warrior, king, and poet.

He was also well-known for being hunted by his predecessor, King Saul. It started out as a good relationship. King Saul entrusted David to play the harp to calm him down, but exploded into jealous rage after David's triumph in battle.

Prior to being a harpist, warrior, and king, David took care of his Father's sheep out in the fields of Israel.

It is likely that David spent much of his time outside and studied his natural surroundings. 

Have you ever just stared at a leaf? This seemingly simple structure maintains unique features similar but different from every other leaf that has grown out of that same tree.

When you think of the heavens do you think of its amazing design? Do you think of what processes and elements compose it?

What do you observe in creation?

How would you explain the complexity to a child?

What does this say about a Creator?

Next time you take a walk, observe the natural surroundings. Take your observations to the table, easel, computer and allow God to use these observations in your projects.

Join Visual Sanctuary for a monthly meeting as we build a place of rest for ourselves, our church, and the world. This is a potluck. Please bring a dish to share. We will share our art and our calling, discuss Biblical truths, pray, and have open studio time.  Each month we will pursue and implement a new aspect of rest with a worksheet.  We will have periodic visiting artists from a variety of disciplines for discussion of these topics.  All are welcome.

Please visit www.VisualSanctuary.org or contact Alex Ferree by email at visualsanctuarynews@gmail.com.

We meet 3:30-5:30 pm the First Saturday of every month in Room 208 in the Vineyard Columbus Community Center 6000 Cooper Rd. Westerville, OH 43081. 

July 18. 2014
Encounter Night
7 pm
Vineyard Columbus

At Vineyard Columbus we are empowered evangelicals, which means that we want to make room in our lives for the Holy Spirit. Encounter is an opportunity to engage the Holy Spirit through worship, the arts and spiritual gifts. Encounter His presence and experience His power. No childcare is provided.

We will be continuing on the theme of Struggle. I will be starting an art piece in oil pastel that will span the 3 months of this series.