
September 2013: How Do We Build A Visual Sanctuary?

I will put my dwelling place among you, and I will not abhor you. I will walk among you and be your God, and you will be my people. ~Lev. 26:12-13
During Semptembers meetings we will be discussing how to build a Visual Sanctuary. What is a visual sanctuary? It is of course our namesake, but it is also a reference to our bodies as temple's of the Holy Spirit. It is also a chance to discuss how God would use art and artists in the upcoming year. 

Our activity will be a simple drawing activity with the possibility of working on the weekend mural as it was displayed during the services.

7-9:30 pm Mondays, Sept 9, 16, and 23:  We will open the night with introductions, prayer, a discussion, and sharing our art. During our open studio time you may participate in our September activity or use the time to work on your own project.*

6 pm Tuesday, Sept. 10: Alex Ferree watercolor demo at Cafe International.**

*Vineyard Columbus Community Center
6000 Cooper Rd Westerville, OH 43081, Community Center, RM 208

**2361 N High St
Columbus, OH 43202
Neighborhood: University District
